Artwork Requirements
Artwork should be delivered 20 days prior to a scheduled display date and formatted to the specifications below.
Mechanical Proportion + Scale:
1/2” = 1’ @ 300 ppi
Digital File Specifications:
Adobe Creative Cloud software accepted: Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
Preferred file formats:
Illustrator/InDesign: Press ready PDF
Photoshop: CMYK TIF files using LZW compression
Convert all fonts to outlines
Embed all graphics
Specify Solid to Process Pantone colors (using Solid to Process library)
Production + Shipping Info
7.5 oz vinyl
Please create 3” pockets for installation.
Production Considerations:
5% overage for large showing levels
Verify final sizes and specs with your MV Outdoor representative prior to the production of any artwork
Shipping Requirements:
Clients who supply finished materials must ensure they are received 10 days prior to the contract installation date.
We also request:
Materials may be shipped in a box or a sleeve
A label with a picture of the design is attached to the outside of the box or sleeve
Contact your MV Outdoor Advertising representative for shipping instructions.
(530) 701-8999