Large Format File Requirements
Color Matching
Bitmap images (TIFF) files can be RGB or CMYK. A wider color gamut is achievable from RGB images. Profile assignment for RGB images should be RGB and CMYK images should be SWOP Coated 20%.
All spot (Vector) colors should be specified Pantone Coated with the exception of gradient colors, which should be specified CMYK process colors.
Be sure to include a color proof (JPG or low-res PDF) for layout and color matching.
Image Quality (Resolution)
Image(s) will be adjusted in prepress and printed at the proper resolution for size and viewing distance.
All text and logos should be vector (Adobe Illustrator EPS or similar) files. ALL Fonts should be converted to paths or outlines (depending on program syntax).
Input resolution for bitmap images will vary with output size. The maximum recommended file sizes are listed below. Embed ALL images.
File Types
Adobe Illustrator (Macintosh or PC)
Adobe Photoshop (Macintosh or PC)
Convert all fonts to paths, curves, or outlines (terms depending upon program syntax).
All files should be created to scale. 1" = 1' -or- ½ inch = 1' scale are considered appropriate. Remember; do NOT downsample images for smaller overall scales.